Your Guide to Identifying High-Intent Users

Knowing which users are likely to purchase from your business is a crucial part of your digital marketing

In the digital marketing sphere, with millions of users and millions of intentions, knowing which users are likely to purchase from your business is tricky. However, it’s still a crucial part of your digital marketing efforts. 

Knowing your users’ intent means you can understand how your business is performing online, which ultimately allows you to tailor your approach and cater to users at different stages of their buying journey. Sound good? This article explains how to make it a reality. 

High-Intent vs. Low-Intent Users

Firstly, you need to understand the basic differences between high-intent and low-intent users. 

High-intent users are, by their nature, more driven than their low-intent counterparts. These users tend to have a clear idea of what they want and when they want it. They explore pages on your website that display your products’ prices, add items to their basket, and read up on your products and services – all behaviours that suggest they are close to making a purchase. 

Low-intent users, meanwhile, have a different primary goal. Where high-intent users display behaviours that indicate they’re ready to make a purchase, low-intent users’ main goal is information gathering. 

They typically want to learn about a product or service so they can make a more meaningful decision later. Maybe they’re saving up, preparing for a future commitment, or just interested in how a product could help them. Whatever the case, they are ripe for picking.

While you might think low-intent users are useless to your business, due to the fact they’re typically less likely to make a purchase, they can be ripe for your customer nurturing process. With the right marketing, a low-intent user can quickly become a high-intent user. 

Judging Buyer Intent

To be sure that you’re understanding your users’ intent properly, you need to have a method in place for judging their intent. In short, the process of judging buyer intent means understanding how likely someone is to make a purchase. Here’s how you can understand what the actions of your users could indicate… 

If your visitors are spending a long time on your website, especially on your product or pricing pages it could indicate they’re actively researching and comparing options. Likewise, if they’re going through various product features, it’s probable they’re exploring their options before deciding.

As well as monitoring engagement to judge intent, your click-through rate (CTR) can also be a revealing metric when it comes to user intent. If, for example, you’re seeing users often clicking on your CTAs, like “Buy Now” or “Contact Us”, it indicates a high purchase intent.

Less significant but still important for gauging user intent is content consumption. If your website has blogs or tutorials to inform users, then monitoring how much these pages are visited could be revealing. You, for example, are reading this article, which gives us the impression that we’re doing something right. The same can be said for your company if you’re attracting users who find your content appealing. 

With all the above in mind, it’s important to remember that buyer intent can’t be measured reliably with a single metric. The best approach is to analyse a combination of metrics to get a clearer picture of where a potential customer is in the buying journey. 

By recognising user intent, your business can effectively guide its website’s users through your customer journey and ultimately capitalise on the opportunity they present. You can make sure high-intent users see targeted product recommendations and strong CTAs while simultaneously pushing your low-intent users towards your contact and product information pages. 

Our Approach to Identifying High-Intent Users

As you have probably gathered from reading this article, TFLI are experts at identifying high-intent leads. We know the signs to look for and, across our range of products, we consistently deliver the best types of leads to our partners, ensuring they are able to capitalise on the opportunities presented by our keen judgement.

We generate B2B leads for businesses, helping them access the customers they’re looking for. From merchant accounts to EPOS systems, commercial waste management to fleet tracking, our partners trust us to provide high-intent leads consistently, and we’re proud to offer such a service to our partners.